Never start a meeting this way

Never start a meeting unprepared.

I learned this the hard way. I started a meeting expecting it to be magical - full of aha moments and toothy grins. Instead, it fell flat. Rather than saying good bye with sparkly eyes, I mumbled my thank-you donning the flushed cheeks of embarrassment.

What happened?

I didn’t prepare and I was distracted.

When I was planning for the session, I skimped on my preparation, because I had successfully run this session many times before. I thought I could prepare while the meeting was underway! I cringe for myself, because really I should have known better.

Learn from my mistakes. Now you can get my little-known booklet on focus. The questions I share on page three are pure GOLD and have really saved countless meetings.

Tell me what you think and how you’ve used them!

Elena Astilleros