Do The Work...And Then Trust

I deadheaded my rose bushes a few weeks ago. Since I recently moved into a new place, I didn’t know if/when my roses would blossom. Today revealed the beauty and scent of a new rose blooms.

Its much the same when you’re leading teams. Sometimes the work you do won’t bear fruit for weeks, if at all. But…you do the work anyways, because that’s really the only way to get the results you want.

And, if you don’t see results from your work, then you take a different path. If those rose bushes never flowered again, I would replace them, because I want beauty in my garden, not just plants to fill the space. Its in the clear vision of what I want that I can trust I either get the results or change tactics, or realize I want something different.

Hard work is never wasted, unless you give up too soon.

Elena Astilleros