Reclaiming Success

Reclaiming a success habit never felt so good!

Last year, I worked with clients all over the world - from central Europe, through the Caribbean, and landing with Asia and Australia to close out the night.

Sometimes my day went from 4am to 10:30pm. At first, I felt thrilled to embark on an adventure like this during the great pandemic. Then, fantasies filled my mind of days where I could wake up without an alarm or the pressure of predawn sessions where I had to be “on.”

I stopped saying yes to growth and opportunities and…I got what I asked for. Days that started at 8:30. No alarm required since the indigenous blood in me can’t stand sleeping in when the sun’s out.

A weird thing started to happen though. I’d begun to feel “lazy.” Knowing I had things to do, I lacked the motivation to get them done.

I started calling my dad to help me pray for the will to deliver on my commitments. The third time I called …..he pointed out I’d formed a habit. My dad asked me to look around, who was I hanging around with, what was I listening to?

That’s when it hit me - my Power Hour was gone. I no longer declared my day and meditation was shoved between protein shake breakfast and five minute showers. My evening power down routine was also gone. My day held no intention.

So, I started waking up at five am again. Water, tea, meditation, workout, gratitude, and declaration before the day really started. It feels good. I feel solid. And even better, my work is crisp, clean, and deeply satisfying again.

I was able to catch this quickly because I had accountability. My father has seen my drive throughout my life, and hearing me say I didn’t want to work was as if an alien captured and replaced me.

Not all people have accountability partners like mine. If that’s the case, having a strong coach will support you in creating the life you want. To see the effects of coaching, you can book a clarity session with me and get a new level of focus and understanding of your goals, the obstacles in the way of them, and do some true gold digging on the deeper meaning behind it all.

Elena Astilleros